The Spearhead Format

The Spearhead Format -

What is Spearhead?

Spearhead is a simplified game format for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, designed to make battles more accessible and faster. It’s perfect for beginners or those who want shorter games without sacrificing strategic depth.

Why Choose Spearhead?

If you’re new, check out our guide to getting started with the hobby.

The Role of Games Workshop

Games Workshop is the leading reference in the world of wargaming. Their flagship game, Warhammer 40,000, is the most recognized and widely played wargame in the world. With Age of Sigmar, they offer a heroic fantasy universe that’s more optimistic and less grim than Warhammer 40,000.

The Age of Sigmar Universe

Age of Sigmar takes place in a rich and diverse fantasy world populated by mythical creatures, legendary heroes, and powerful alliances. This universe provides an ideal setting for epic battles while being more accessible to younger players due to its less grim tone.

To discover the different armies available in this universe, explore our section on factions.

The Benefits of Spearhead for Beginners

If you’re considering playing with children, learn how to adapt the hobby for them.

Maintaining the Depth of the Game

Despite its simplicity, Spearhead doesn’t sacrifice the strategic richness that makes Warhammer so engaging. Players still need to plan their moves, anticipate their opponent’s actions, and make the most of their army’s strengths.