Scenario 1: Simplified Introduction
Narrative Introduction
In a contested region of the Mortal Realms, two armies prepare for an important battle. The cunning Skaven attempt to secure a passage to execute their secret plans. Meanwhile, the Stormcast Eternals, luminous heroes and protectors of order, stand ready to stop them. A decisive confrontation is about to take place for control of this land…
Before Starting: Explain the Main Rules
Take a few minutes before setup to explain these basics to your child:
- The objective: Bring a full unit into the opponent’s deployment zone or eliminate most of the opposing forces.
- Important distances:
- Movement: Units can move up to 6 inches per turn.
- Cohesion: Figures in the same unit must stay within 1 inch of each other.
- Attack range: 1 inch for melee attacks, 12 inches for ranged attacks.
- The concept of melee:
- A unit engaged in melee (1 inch or less from an enemy unit) cannot move.
- Explain how melee can be used to block the opponent’s movements.
- What is a unit?:
- A unit is a group of figures that move and fight together. These figures must remain close to each other to maintain cohesion.
Deployment Zones:
- Each player picks a side of the board as their deployment zone.
- Units must be placed within 6 inches from the edge of their side.
- Enemy figures cannot be placed within 9 inches of each other.
Turn Order:
- The player who finishes deploying first goes first.
Optional Balancing:
- If a player controls the Skaven, they can voluntarily “forget” certain units to balance the game. For example, deploy only three units instead of four.
Objective of the Game
- For both players: Move a full unit into the opponent’s deployment zone (within 6 inches of the opposite edge) while blocking enemy forces.
- The first player to achieve this goal or eliminate a significant portion of the opposing forces wins the game.
Game Rules
Turn Sequence:
- Players take turns.
- Each turn consists of two main phases:
- Movement: Each unit may move up to 6 inches unless engaged in melee.
- Combat: Only the active player’s units can attack during their turn.
- A unit can attack if within range (1 inch for melee, 12 inches for ranged attacks).
- Roll one die per attacking figure:
- A result of 4+ scores a successful hit.
- The attacked unit may attempt a save (see below).
Saving Throws:
- Each hit can be negated on a roll of 4+.
- No modifiers (such as “rend”) are applied.
Ignored or Simplified Rules
- No special abilities.
- Weapon ranges are standardized.
- Terrain effects (obstacles, cover) are ignored.
- Line-of-sight rules are not used.
Tips to Engage the Child
- Overact the actions: Turn dice results into amusing or heroic moments (e.g., “They swung and missed wildly!” or “It was a perfect parry!”).
- Allow for improvisation: If a unit misses all its attacks, comment humorously on their clumsiness or invent a funny narrative excuse.
- Encourage active choices: Praise the child when they successfully block a unit in melee or land a solid attack, reinforcing their understanding of the mechanics.
What You’ll Learn
- The basics of a turn: movement, attacking, saving.
- The concept of melee: how to engage or block an opposing unit.
- The importance of strategic placement to avoid being blocked.