Welcome to Spearhead Tactics

Explore the Spearhead format of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: guides, factions, and resources to share this hobby with family or friends.

Articles to discover


The Hobby for Kids

An introduction to the Warhammer hobby for kids, with tips, practical guides, and a progressive battle program.


The Time the Hobby Takes

Discover why every step of the Warhammer hobby is a source of enjoyment, even if it takes time, and how to fit it into your daily life.


Sharing the Hobby with Your Kids: A Unique Experience

Discover how sharing the hobby with your kids can strengthen your bonds, provide quality time, and encourage mutual learning.


Introducing Spearhead to Kids: A Learning Program

Discover how to introduce kids to Spearhead with a progressive program focused on fun and connection. A guide to sharing a rewarding and enjoyable experience.


Spearhead Tactics is Now Available in English

Nov 22, 2024

Spearhead Tactics expands its audience! We are thrilled to announce that the site is now accessible in English, enabling families worldwide to discover the Warhammer Age of Sigmar hobby through the Spearhead format.

En savoir plus

Factions to explore


Stormcast Eternals

The Stormcast Eternals are immortal champions created by Sigmar to defend the Mortal Realms, perfect for introducing children to the hobby.



The Sylvaneth are mystical forest guardians, harnessing the magic of nature and guerrilla tactics to protect their territory in the Mortal Realms.


Ogor Mawtribes

The Ogor Mawtribes embody raw power and an insatiable hunger, advancing with ferocity to devour everything in their path.


Disciples of Tzeentch

The Disciples of Tzeentch excel in magic and deception, wielding powerful spells and unpredictable transformations to dominate their foes.